A downloadable course

Feedback Survery: https://forms.office.com/r/cXWiYsHWMz

Weekly Tasks

Due Thursdays by 11:59pm — Post gif to Work in Progress

  • Each week, in order to share what you've been working on,you'll record a short gif of your project in action to post on Teams.
  • Even the simplest thing is worth posting! Did you make a color changing circle? Post it! Did you figure out how to use a sprite? Post it! Is something totally broken and therefore funny but you plan to fix it? Post it!
  • You're earning points for merely posting so don't worry about how "good" the work is.
  • Q: "Is this a ploy to get us to start our a few days before it's due?" A: Not entirely, but it's a positive side effect.

Due Sundays by 11:59pm – Post "Game Snack"

  • Readings/videos should be completed by Sunday night before class on Monday. After you finish reading, you'll write a little "Game Snack" and post it to Teams.

  • Game Design Snacks are "nuggets of wisdom" in which you choose one or two games as examples of a lessons you learned from the readings/videos.

  • Snacks should have the "lesson" as the title and a 300 word analysis of an aspect of a particular game inspired by the readings or video for each week.

    • Your examples can be complimentary, critical, or both.
    • The more specific, the better.
    • Make sure to quote the author.
  • Post your text and at least one timestamped YouTube link of your game in action that illustrates your example to the Game Snacks channel.

Example: "It's Helpful When Games Give Us a Breather"
"When YouTube Creator So-and-So said 'really smart quote', I was reminded of (some mechanic / an interface element / the level design / etc) of A Game I've Played. The design of this game teaches us why it's important to [have moments of rest] because _______. In this YouTube Clip you can see an example of how the pacing changes to momentarily reduce the level of intensity. Blah blah blah more words!"

We'll review a few Snacks each Monday.


January 12 (Wed.) 🔰 Dev Camp 1: What Code Does

Sign up for a p5.js account

Start work on your P5.js self-portraits. Use shapes and colors to draw your face to the canvas in order to get oriented with the basics of the coordinate system and draw order. 15 shapes/lines maximum. You'll start posting GIFs next week.

January 16 (Sun.)

  1. Read from Williams' History of Digital Games Chatpter 3 on Early Commercialized Digital Games and watch "Design Icons: Space Invaders"
  2. Game Snack #1

January 17 (Mon.) — No Classes

Post Exercise #1: Self-Portraits to Teams by Tuesday 11:59pm.

January 19 (Wed.) 🔰 Dev Camp 2: Variables and Conditionals

Let's get something to move on the screen.

January 23 (Sun.)

  1. Read Anthropy and Clark Chapter 1 - Language and Chapter 2 - Verbs & Objects.
  2. Game Snack #2

January 24 (Mon.) ⏮ Reviewing Variables

Exercise #2: "A ball that bounces back and forth" (due in-class)

January 26 (Wed.) 🔰 Dev Camp 3: Interacting with P5.play

We'll be adding P5.play into the mix this week!

Your exercise is to use P5.play to allow the user to click-and-hold on a sprite with their mouse, "drag it" it a new location, and release the mouse to leave it in the new location.

January 30 (Sun.)

  1. Anthropy and Clark Chapter 3 - Scenes and Chapter 4 - Context
  2. Game Snack #3

January 31 (Mon.) ⏮ Reviewing Interactions

Exercise #3: Click and Drag a Thing (due in-class)

P5. Play Guide

February 2 (Wed.) 🔰 Dev Camp 4: Collisions

Let's make this thing feel like a videogame.

Exercise #4 is to use p5.play to create something like this: a player (can be controlled however you'd like), a "ball" that can be pushed around, and a "goal" where if the ball reaches it, the ball disappears. Feel free to expand from there but that's the minimum that will let you practice with collisions.

February 6 (Sun.)

  1. Read Miguel Sicart on "Game Mechanics" and watch "Two Types of Random in Games" from Game Maker's Toolkit
  2. Game Snack #4

February 7 (Mon.) ⏮ Reviewing Collisions

Exercise #4: Bring Making Stuff Collide to class.

February 9 (Wed.) 🔭 Concepts w/ Verbs & Objects

Let's use interactions on screen to represent simple ideas.

For your GIF: put an image in your "ball goes into a goal" sketch. (That's all!) Might I suggest checking out Kenney for your asset needs?

Friday, 10-1pm. Come make a game with me on Teams!

February 13 (Sun.)

  1. Read from Williams' History of Digital Games Chapter 4 The Golden Age of Arcade. Then watch What Pac-Man Brought to Game Design (Game Maker's Toolkit).
  2. Game Snack #5

February 14 (Mon.) 🖥️ Game Jam

February 16 (Wed.) 🖥️ Game Jam

Working together in pairs to practice making something.

We'll then discuss the first project: Building a "Micro Game"

Febrary 20 (Sun.)

  1. Familiarize yourself with the WarioWare series: WarioWare Was Ahead Of Its Time (GameSpot); WarioWare Analysis (PostMesmeric); What WarioWare can teach us about Game Design (GameStudies.org).
  2. Game Snack # 6

February 21 (Mon.) 🔭 Simplicity and Complexity

February 23 (Wed.) 🔭 Understanding "the Game Loop"

Micro-Games Assignment
Project 1 Description


February 28 (Mon.) 🔭 Game Feel + Studio

(From the Project Page) Monday Feb 28: Bring in a working interaction that has a control scheme, a sprites doing stuff, and an idea for how the player achieves the goal of a game round.

March 2 (Wed.) 🖥️ Studio (Framework Integration Day)

  1. Watch "Downwell's Dual Purpose Design," then "The Secret of Mario's Jump (and other Versatile Verbs)," and "Game Feel" from GameMakersToolkit
  2. Game Snack # 7

March 7 (Mon.) 🖥️ Studio

Bring in working prototype that integrates the Micro Game Framework / written plan for how your game will evolve in difficulty over the five different rounds. 

March 9 (Wed.) 👥 Micro-Game Playtest

Bring in a version that includes some graphics for sprites and objects. Rounds 1-5 demonstrate variation. Be ready to share it with your classmates.

March 14 & 16 - Spring Break

No Readings or Game Snacks this week. Just work on your games!

March 21 (Mon.) 🖥️ Studio

March 23 (Wed.) 👥 Micro-Games Due! We'll play in class.

  1. First, watch Jeremy Parish's Game Boy Retrospective.  Then, watch a few videos from his Game Boy Works series.
  2. In preparation for making things in GB Studio, watch Sprite Analysis | Pokémon: Top-Down RPG Pixel Art
  3. Submit Game Snack # 8 on Sunday

March 28 (Mon.) 🔰 Introducing GB Studio

March 30 (Wed.) 🔰 Pixel Graphics

GB Studio

  1. How Graphics worked on the Nintendo Game Boy by MVG.
  2. An Architectural Approach to Level Design Ch. 7: Storytelling in Gamespace by Christopher W. Totten and his Zen and the Art of Retro Level Design in “Kudzu” GB Studio guide.
  3. Submit Game Snack # 9 on Sunday

April 4 (Mon.) 🔰 GB Studio Scripting

April 6 (Wed.) 🔭 Level Design

  1. Videos from Class: Super Mario 3D World's 4 Step Level Design and Applying 3D Level Design Skills to the 2D World of Hyper Light Drifter
  2. Game Snack # 10 due TUESDAY

April 11 (Mon.) 🔭 Level Design

April 13 (Wed.) 🗣 Final Projects / Extra Credit

  1. The Sound of Hyper Light Drifter (GDC talk by Akash Thakkar) and The Music of Breath of the Wild (GMTK Extra)
  2. Game Snack # 11 (bonus)

April 18 (Mon.) — No Classes

April 20 (Wed.) 🖥️ Studio

No Game Snack -- Focus on your projects

April 25 (Mon.) 🖥️ Studio

April 27 (Wed.) 🖥️ Studio

May 2 (Mon.)

Bring in works-in-progress for playtesting and feedback.

Extra Credit papers due to Microsoft Teams assignment dropbox by 11:59pm

May 7 (Sat) Final Projects due by 7pm.